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On-Line Resources

This non-exhaustive list of on-line resources may be of interest to weavers at all levels of expertise:

    Over 50,000 weaving drafts, many public domain books, old manuscripts and guild newsletters. Small subscription fee required.
  • Ravelry
    Social network site for knitters and spinners now also includes weavers. Groups devoted to particular interests including an interest in a particular loom or spinning wheel, such as Wolf Pack for weavers who own Baby or Mighty Wolf looms or CPW lovers for owners of Canadian Production Wheels.
    Handwoven Magazine’s social networking site. Has editors’ blogs and forums to discuss different interests in weaving such as equipment or weave structures or beginner questions. There is also a weekly e-newsletter that includes a column where Madelyn van der Hoogt answers questions about weaving.
  • Facebook
    There are many weaving groups on Facebook. Do a search for your particular area of interest, such as inkle weaving, rigid heddle, 4 shaft, tapestry, etc
    For weavers interested in braiding, tablet weaving, and inkle weaving.
    This is a digital magazine with projects and articles about weaving topics.
    Blog of "Violet Rose," Jane Patrick, Creative Director of Schacht Spindle makers of spinning wheels and looms. Also from Schacht Spindle “Yearning To Weave” a monthly digital column written by Mellissa Ludden.
     Ashford Club: Information about weaving and spinning and dyeing using Ashford equipment. Has projects and information about their products.
    This is the website of the Handweavers Guild of America. Has information on their national conferences called "Convergence" and other programs they sponsor. These programs include grants for helping members attend educational programs and their Certificate of Excellence program to further education of weavers, spinners, dyers, and basket weavers.
    Conference of Northern California Handweavers (CNCH) provides information about their biannual conferences and retreats. Also other fiber related happenings in Northern California.
    This is the site of a national weaving group that offers study groups devoted to different aspects of weaving such as complex equipment or old weaving drafts or unusual weave structures.
    Online Digital Archives of weaving books, articles, monographs, and newsletters. Similar to listed above.
    The Spinning and Weaving Association site has listings of weaving and spinning teachers and shops devoted to weaving and spinning all over the United States. It’s a professional group devoted to promoting an interest in weaving and spinning.
  • Jane Stafford Textiles On-Line Guild 
    A subscription service of videos for weavers of all levels.
    A group with a lot of information about braids and bands.
    A website page with links to a lot of weaving tips
  • Tim's Treadle Reducer (
    This site is a web front-end to a program for taking a weaver's tie-up draft and attempting to find a tie-up for producing the same pattern using a loom with fewer treadles (a skeleton tie-up).