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Anyone interested in handweaving is eligible for membership in SCHG.

Current annual dues (due June 30 but new members are welcome at any time) are:

Full or Active $50
Full-time Student $25

Limited $15 (outside Southern California)

Guild Friend $75

Guild Angel $100


Full or Active Membership is available to anyone residing in Southern California. Full members are entitled to all Guild rights and privileges including the right to vote and will be charged member rates for Guild workshops.

Full-time Student Membership is available to full-time students in any program or level residing in Southern California. Student members are are entitled to all Guild rights and privileges including the right to vote and will be charged a reduced rate for Guild workshops. ID and approval are required.

Guild Friends and Angels are Full or Active Members who wish to support the Guild by paying an amount over and above the Full Membership fee. Guild Friends and Angels are specially acknowledged. Fees over the amount of the Full or Active membership shall be used for Guild purposes at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

Limited Membership is available to those who currently reside outside of Southern California and choose to only receive the guild newsletter and Zoom links to programs. Limited membership does not include voting privileges. Members at the limited membership level will be charged the non-member fee for Guild workshops. 

Download a membership brochure  SCHG Join Brochure                                                                                                                     
For questions, email